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Testing Pomerium UDP Tunnels with Factorio

Since v0.29.0 Pomerium supports tunneling UDP traffic. This example demonstrates how to do this using Factorio, a popular game where you build and maintain factories with multiplayer support. Like many games Factorio uses a custom UDP protocol for multiplayer.

You will need two machines: one running Factorio and the Pomerium CLI, and another running the Factorio headless server and Pomerium. Replace with your domain name.


  1. Install Pomerium

  2. Download the Linux Factorio headless server

    curl -L -o factorio.tar.xz
    tar -xJf factorio.tar.xz
    cd factorio
  3. Enable QUIC by setting codec_type to http3

    codec_type: http3

    Pomerium also supports UDP tunneling with http1 or auto (the default), but using http3 significantly improves performance.

  4. Add a UDP route on port 34197

    - routes:
    from: udp+
    to: udp://
    allow_any_authenticated_user: true
  5. Run Pomerium

  6. Create a new Factorio save

    ./bin/x64/factorio --create ./saves/
  7. Run the Factorio headless server

    ./bin/x64/factorio --start-server ./saves/


  1. Install the Pomerium CLI

  2. Install Factorio

  3. Start a UDP tunnel

    pomerium-cli udp --listen :34197
    TLS issues

    If you don't have a valid certificate use --disable-tls-verification.

  4. Run Factorio, click Multiplayer, then Connect to Address, and enter as the server address and click Connect.

    Connect to Localhost

You should now be connected to the server.
